
The Village Oak Tree

Syria, Ukraine, Europe, Central America, and King Trump's plan to take over the World


Welcome to The Village Oak Tree for January 8th, 2025

I am your host, Terrance Ó Domhnaill.

Now that the holiday season is past once again, and the weather outside everywhere is frightful and not just in North America, I bring you more off the main stream news stories and analysis about what's going on in the world.

After my commercial break, I will read you another chapter of The Priest, from Michael Campi.

So, come sit you down next to someplace warm and listen to me tell you some tales about the world outside.

Warning: the video has some adult language in it so be careful watching it around minors.

My commentary and analysis this week, comes from recent news stories about the U.S. and Israel expanding their presence in Syria, because they can, for now. The war in Ukraine and the ramifications of all of these European governments collapsing due to their inept economic policies that are impoverishing the citizens there.

Then there is Latin America, where King Trump is trying to bully those countries into giving him what he wants. In this case, apparently preferential transit rates for U.S. ships going through the Panama Canal.

Let’s not forget King Donald’s veiled threats to Greenland and Denmark in his bid to muscle in on Greenland to make it a ‘U.S. Protectorate.’ All for the lie being told, “In the interests of U.S. national security.”

King Trump isn’t even president yet, officially, but he’s making his presence known around the world already.

The bigger question is, will these other countries capitulate? A couple have so far, or at least their elected leaders anyway. We watched as Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau capitulated to the conservatives and resigned last Monday. He had a lot of failures but the last straw was apparently his embarrassing trip to kiss King Donald’s ring to try and stave off the crippling tariffs.

He became a mockery in both the U.S and Canada so he gave it up finally. Of course, the right-wing Canadian politicians are already trying to make hash out of any potential replacements already so things up north may get interesting very soon. I will let everyone know if anything noteworthy shows up in the news feeds.

I talk a lot about the tiff between the U.S. and Latin America beyond Panama. I found an article by a writer in Medium.com that talks about how the U.S. fossil fuel industry is slowly collapsing because the are running out of oil. Shale oil that is. The Canadian tar sands still have plenty of oil left but in the U.S., not so much. Maybe that is why Trump wants to open up more oil drilling to satisfy his fossil fuel industry mega donors?

What will happen when (not if but when) the crude oil and shale fracking finally runs out in the U.S.? Which, according to this article, won’t be too far down the road.

Is this why the U.S., with the help of their British buddies, allegedly blew up the NordStream 2 pipeline back in September 2022? There is some pretty strong physical evidence that the Germans have stuffed somewhere quietly that seems to point that out, according to the Russians. They supposedly have pictures of the U.S.S. Wasp being close by at the right time and evidence that it was members of a U.S. Navy SEAL team and British SAS team members who carried this out. They certainly have the skills and training for this.

The story making the rounds of certain countries in Europe, is that the Americans were desperate to cripple the Russian economy back then (they still are) and decided that this would have a major impact. They apparently failed to consult with the EU before they did this.

As we can see, nearly three years later, that gambit failed in the way it was intended. It didn’t cripple the Russians but it has crippled the Germans and a few other European countries. Oooops!

So much so that European governments are collapsing in no confidence voting and scrambling to find ways to keep their people warm this winter, not to mention keeping industries going and petrol in the cars and trucks.

My question to everyone listening or reading this, is what will the U.S. do when the governments in Europe and Latin America tell King Donald that they will no longer be bullied? If they retaliate with their own tariffs, what will the average, already impoverished Americans do then? China is already restricting trade in some areas with the promise of more.

I was talking to a friend today and I asked him what he thought about how Americans will react when their favorite retail stores start running out of things when there are shortages?

We have a little sense of that from how they reacted back in 2020 during the pandemic shutdown. This will be much, much worse once imports stop arriving into the United States.

Imagine if Mexico shuts down food imports. Imagine if China shuts off all the electronics and food exports to the U.S. Imagine if the EU were to shut off nearly all exports to the U.S.

This is the world King Donald wants to push everyone into. A world where everyone bows to him and he gets to set the terms. I have news for him and all of his neophytes, not gonna happen.

I guarantee Latin America will not bow down, well maybe Argentina, but the rest, not so much. Europe will hold out until the last minute before they stand up for themselves but for them, it will be too late by then. They keep telling themselves that the Americans are their friends. Yeah right, keep thinking that. Ask any Sicilian or Italian how that works out when the mafia comes to town.

Donald Trump is a very wealthy criminal. He thinks like a criminal. And he’s in charge of the world’s (for now) richest country. His threats towards Latin America and Europe need to be taken at face value.

I doubt that he will be able to do everything he says he wants to do with regard to his foreign policy designs but he could still wreak havoc in his attempts.

Watch the video above as I lay it all out a little more for you. Meanwhile, think about how all of this is going to affect your household in the very near future. Are you prepared for food shortages and shortages of other essential household products that people take for granted now? If King Donald gets what he says he wants, this will become a certainty as the countries that trade with the U.S. will severely restrict or stop altogether, trading with the once mighty United States.

Think about that as we watch the spectacle in the news that calls himself Donald J. Trump. Sláinte

Thank you for for listening to me once again. I hope you that you will return again for more news and commentary about the world we live in.

Please like, subscribe, reply and share the videos or audio podcasts, however you watch or listen. The goal here is to resist the authoritarians who want to take our freedoms away from us. I appreciate everyone around the world, no matter who or where you are. Together, using independent media, we can resist the authoritarian oligarchs in the west.

As I say good bye this week, I wish to leave you with this Irish blessing as we go about our lives and try to stay warm in the meanwhile. "May the year bring us all peace and prosperity or at least enough of it to get us by for a time." Slán go fóill.


US lays groundwork for new military base in northern Syria: Report

As clashes continue to rage between Washington and Ankara's proxies in north Syria, the US is heavily reinforcing its presence near the Turkish border

From The Cradle.co

What is behind US strategy of keeping troops in post-Assad Syria?

Analysts say priorities extend beyond anti-ISIL mission and include keeping leverage as Syria’s future takes shape.

From Al Jazeera

Israeli army bombs Damascus outskirts, seizes control of Syrian water sources

Tel Aviv now controls the six most important water sources in southern Syria and continues to expand its occupation in the country

From The Cradle.co

Zelensky admits more troops are deserting

The soldiers are weary and not enough reserves are coming in to relieve them, the Ukrainian leader has said

From RT News/Russia

Kiev set to comply with US demand to draft teenagers – Moscow

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service has highlighted concerns among Ukraine’s backers that the country’s defenses could collapse

From RT News/Russia

Ukrainian recruitment officers gas conscripts – media

The men had reportedly barricaded themselves inside a building in the Kiev-controlled part of Zaporozhye Region to avoid being mobilized

From RT News/Russia

Why is Honduras threatening to expel US troops?

The Honduras threat to reconsider military ties marks a significant moment in Latin American ties with the US, say experts.

From Al Jazeera

Here’s why Trump’s talk of annexing Canada and Greenland should not be dismissed

The US president-elect’s “shopping cart” of other countries’ properties should worry all American vassals

From RT News

The Great Fracking Mirage

The shale oil revolution is about to go bust, leaving the environment and the economy in ashes.

Angus Peterson in Medium.com

China Declines US Oil and Turn to BRICS for Energy Trade: End of US Dominance?

From Fastepo, a YouTube video

Why has Justin Trudeau resigned – and what’s next for Canada?

After spats with allies, pressure from Donald Trump and falling poll numbers, Trudeau has decided to call it quits.

From Al Jazeera

The Priest

formerly known as Bob (part 21)

Michael Campi in Medium.com

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