

Welcome to The Village Oak Tree

I am your host, Terrance Ó Domhnaill.

It's been about forty-eight hours into the new Trump presidency and the chaos is already getting started. I don't want to get into that too much as every media outlet across the world will be doing that for us.

Instead, I want to talk a little about the why's of what we’re seeing across the world. I can't even begin to scratch the surface, but I do want to pay particular attention to the United States today and why they've been trying so hard to subjugate the world for the last more than one hundred years.

Once I’ve offered everyone my take on all of this, using journalistic articles and a couple of YouTube videos I found, I ask everyone to stick around through my commercial break, so I can read you another chapter of The Priest, from Michael Campi.

So, come sit you down next to someplace warm and listen to me tell you what's going on beyond mainstream media, with a broad perspective on the things you aren't being told.

Warning: The video does contain some adult language.

I want to try and summarize the video here for brevity, since this goes out to everyone’s email address (thank you subscribers).

The theme of this week’s commentary is about how the United States has been and is still trying, to be the world’s most dominant power.

They have been for the most part since the 1990’s and they don’t want to give that up. We can see that from how presidents going all the way back to Theodore Roosevelt and his white armada parading around the world, showing off American might. Then starting a war with Spain without fact checking why the U.S.S. Maine blew up and sunk in Havana Harbor. Turns out, in later years when someone actually decided to dig into it, it was a main propulsion boiler that caused the explosion that ripped a hole in the hull and sunk the ship next to the pier, not Cuban saboteurs.

This seems to be the history of the United States. Starting wars just because they want something and making up a fake story to excuse the need to go to war with someone. Does this sound familiar?

In the new age the world finds itself in, the United States, and its western European allies, find themselves with a degraded military capacity, such as outlined in Kit Klarenberg’s wonderful article. I have said this myself on numerous occasions in this podcast, that the United States does not have the military capacity to go toe to toe with the world’s largest economies. They know this, which is why they keep throwing billions of taxpayer monies to militias around the world to handle the proxy fighting for them.

Vietnam was the last real attempt at a head-to-head engagement, and we see how that worked out for them. If we go even further back, look at Korea in 1951 and 1952? What happened to the U.S. military then? A stalemate with North Korea and their backers, China. Which said stalemate is still in place today.

Vietnam was a near total loss for the hapless Americans, with the exception of the military industrial complex and their bought off politicians.

In the ensuing decades, the U.S. kept trying to impose their will on the world and kept having their arse’s handed to them over and over again. Except when they used their proxies, like in Southeast Asia, Africa, the middle east and now, eastern Europe.

The upshot of all of this meddling in other countries affairs for their own corporate gain, is a mass expenditure of borrowed treasure, from both the American taxpayers and the sale of treasury bonds that are losing value more and more every quarter.

Their western European allies are in even worse condition than the U.S. Multiple governments have collapsed recently, due to their unconditional support for the U.S.’s proxy war in Ukraine. By doing the bidding of the deep state in Washington D.C., they’ve cut their own throats, and their coalition governments are folding hard.

Britain is especially egregious in all of this as, Kit talks about in his article, they don’t have any kind of military anymore. Their volunteer military is so short of manpower and equipment, they can’t even defend themselves now.

And to make it worse, Donald J. Trump is dismissing Sir Keir Starmer as an irrelevant leader of a largely irrelevant country, according to another article I found.

Which goes to show the world, just what the U.S. thinks of everyone, especially with the world’s richest tech company owners now being Trump’s new BFF’s.

Trump’s tactic for bringing the world in line to his way of thinking, is to threaten everyone, everywhere, with import tariffs. This has only accomplished one thing, so far. A mad scramble to visit Trump, at first, when he was just the president-elect, in his kingdom at Mar-a Lago, FL, and now, in the white house. All to kneel before the emperor out of fear of these tariffs.

Which only goes to show the rest of the world how badly these western leaders allowed themselves to become so entrenched with the Americans in Washington D.C. Now, they fear that Trump will bring their economies down.

We are seeing government leaders in France, Germany, Canada, Britain, and others, fall by the wayside as their people are saying, enough is enough. The people are voting with their wallets instead of their political beliefs. Will the far-right parties take over the majorities in these parliaments this year? Maybe.

Meanwhile, Russia and China are doing all they can to circumvent the western sanctions and carry on with business as best as they can. The BRICS alliance is growing larger every month it seems. Malaysia being the latest entry into this now massive economic bloc.

Europe is at a near standstill with the loss of cheap, Russian oil and gas. They Russians have figured out different ways to get around those oil sanctions, with a little help from their friends in the BRICS. China needs every bit of oil they can get from their friends in Russia, India and the middle east. Russia needs the money from the sales of the oil to keep the U.S., and their NATO proxies, from taking them down.

As another independent journalist said in his video linked below, it’s the United States that is driving all of this around the world. Their ultimate goal, according to him, is to destroy China’s economy. They want to destroy any competition to their idea of world dominance. The United States neocons see China as their main competition right now and they’ll do anything to stop them. I mean anything.

The question is, and I ask this in the video, does the United States have the economic stamina to go head-to-head in an economic trade war with China and the BRICS alliance?

With things the way they are for the citizens of the U.S right now, I would say no. By spending money on these proxy wars, they have been seriously neglecting things at home, which is why the people voted for Trump. They elected him because he promised them, he would fix everything. Which, as we can see from his inaugural speech, will turn out to be more lies just to get him elected.

I have long asked this question and it’s even more important now. What happens when all of these people who voted for Trump realize that he conned them into voting for him? When all he does is make things worse for everyone?

Think about that as we watch him deploy active-duty military troops down to the southern U.S. border to replace the border patrol and National Guard troops soon. In direct conflict with the Posse Comitatus law. As I talk about in the video, how much of a stretch is it to think about troops with armored personnel carriers patrolling the streets of the United States, border check points at all state-to-state crossings and other militaristic restrictions on civil rights, such as the first amendment rights, and so on.

The fourth amendment has already been taken away, according to another report I read recently. This is the prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures and makes the requirement for warrants to be issued by a judge before searches and arrests made, based on probable cause.

Will Trump invoke the Insurrection clause in the constitution in order to take over the government, if people try to protest in the streets? Will he force the telecom companies to install the Israeli spy app, Zeroclick on people’s mobile devices if they dissent in public? Such as journalists and political activists?

Did Trump pardon 1500 January 6th insurrectionists in order to turn them into his own private militia? Somehow, I don’t see all of these idiots being able to work together like a military unit but, they could still terrorize people around the country. As if ICE won’t be bad enough with all of the promised roundups taking place soon. Maybe even right now as you read this.

I say a lot more than what I have written here in this nearly twenty-five-minute video. I invite everyone to watch it and see if anything I offer here, in both commentary and the links below, make you sit up and think about what is going on and why. Especially is you’re one of those Americans and Europeans who are struggling to keep a roof over your heads and put food on the table.

I offer everyone a glimpse into the game of empire and what it’s doing to the working-class people around the world.

In comparison. With the recent banning, not banning of TikTok, lots of Americans jumped over to another Chinese social media app called Xiaohongshu or Little red Book in English and discovered that most Chinese enjoy a better standard of living than most Americans. Imagine the surprise.

Watch the video as I wrap things up with another chapter of The Priest from Michael Campi. This ongoing, serialized fiction (maybe not fiction for long) of what the U.S. may look like when the country collapses. If you like reading stories like that, I invite people to read my book, Fugitives in a New United States, to get a different, not so violent look at what the U.S. might look like after Trump and his oligarchs finish ravishing the country.

Thank you for tuning in again this week. I hope you enjoyed it and that you'll return again to talk about the world we live in. Sláinte

Please like, subscribe, reply and share the videos or audio podcasts, however you watch or listen. The goal here is to resist the people who want to take our freedoms away from us. I appreciate everyone around the world, no matter who or where you are. Together, using independent media like this, we can resist the authoritarian oligarchs in the west.

As I say goodbye this week, I wish to leave you with this Irish blessing as we go about our lives and try to stay warm in the meanwhile. "May we find the will to resist those who try to put boots on our necks." Slán go fóill.


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