Welcome to the Village Oak Tree again this week.
This week, I bring you another conversation with my friend Mitch from central Florida.
He had recently published an article on about eugenics and how a certain group of Americans have been all about this science in order to create a master race right here in the good ‘ole USA.
I told him about how Hitler and his crew learned about it from some Americans who published a study back in the 1920’s that dealt with actively setting this up. As far as the Americans were concerned, it was more about segregating the African Americans and any other immigrants with, as I told Mitch, people born with a suntan of one sort or another.
But this study also included certain European immigrants as well. Such as the Irish, the Italians, the poles and any other nationality that followed the Catholic church.
I have an old store sign from Boston, Massachusetts, dated Sept. 11th, 1915, that says Help Wanted - No Irish need apply. My late mother gave it to me and her father was the one who gave it to her. You only have to look at my name to understand why I have it framed and hanging on my office wall. I have encountered my fair share of bigots towards the Irish and myself personally throughout my life and I am sure other people who may be Catholic or have been born with permanent suntan that certain people don’t like.
I mean we have a president who called them undesirables from shithole countries during his first term. I’m sure he still thinks like that as we watch him ship out undocumented immigrants by the plane loads now to anywhere, he can send them, including GITMO, Cuba.
Mitch argues that doing away with DEI is another form of eugenics. A sneakier form such as tying the lack of DEI initiatives to health care for instance. If the government does away with DEI, then companies can hire whomever they wish and offer them health care plans. For anyone who can’t find work because they don’t fit a certain profile that the company managers like, they’re SOL.
They’re stuck working for less pay, no benefits and at risk for layoffs a lot more than someone who gets a leg up just for being a White, Anglo, Saxon Christian. WASP for short.
Mitch says that this can be construed as a form of eugenics. A very long-term solution to getting rid of unwanted people in a society.
In the short term, I counter, we have sterilizations taking place right now in the 21st century in the holding places for illegal immigrants who got caught crossing the border illegally. ProPublica published an expose’ a few years ago about a gynecologist who was hired by ICE to perform hysterectomies on pregnant detainees without their consent while in the holding pens. The doctor in question told the reporter that he was just doing as he was told. Needless to say, this made a few headlines before it disappeared.
I also brought up the native Americans who have been enduring this forced sterilization by reservation doctors hired by the Bureau of Indian Affairs throughout the decades. If a native American woman came into a reservation clinic and she was pregnant without a husband, they would abort the fetus and sterilize her without consent. Sometimes they would do it to the married ones as well.
It was common for women who were institutionalized to be sterilized without their or their guardian’s consent, ‘for the good of the community.” Especially if these women came from a poor family. A lot of African American women were sterilized through the decades just because they came from poor areas or were mentally ill or any other reason, they could think of to try and keep the populations of undesirables down or eliminated altogether, as some white people pushed for.
I brought up an article from Mother Jones regarding how forced sterilization is still a valid law in 31 states. A little vague in a handful of others and outlawed in the rest. Imagine if you are poor and live in one of these 31 states. If you’re a woman and were to have an altercation with the government, then be incarcerated for any amount of time, the state could legally sterilize you so you could never have children. Or any more children if you had any before being arrested. How is this not eugenics being practiced right here in the United States right now, today?
Mitch likes to study AI, Artificial Intelligence. He has written articles before about this subject, so it was no surprise when he segued our conversation into how eugenics will play out in the future. For the morbidly rich, and privileged, they could afford cybernetic enhancements to make improvements to their bodies, such as what Musk is experimenting with now with his neural implant. If you don’t have the money, too bad, so sad.
With Medicaid now a thing of the past, we postulated about how this also might be a subtle method of eugenics. Without adequate health care, those who can’t afford health insurance or out of pocket medical expenses in the U.S., will die off from accidents, disease and at an earlier age than those privileged to be able to afford health insurance and medical enhancements.
Then there are the LGBTQ+ and transgender people. Trump is trying very hard to shut down all medical care for them as fast as he can. No more surgeries or medicines or other care using government money anymore. If these people want health care, they will have to pay out of pocket as most private health insurance companies will not cover any transgender health care. It was spotty before but now, it may become nearly impossible for them. Is this another subtle method of eugenics?
At this point we went off on Trump, his chaotic new policies and how the country is being actively divided between the one percenters, and everyone else. Gun laws being rolled back, working age limits being lowered in some states, the loss of public education and how the loss of food benefits for the poor will drive the kids unto the streets and then, to stop the high crime rates, mandatory jobs and work camps for kids who can’t afford to live at home and can’t afford to go to school anymore.
Then we went off talking about how U.S. military recruitments are going through the roof right now since Trump’s election win. Mitch thought it might have something to do with the MAGA people wanting to fight for Trump, but I countered that it was most likely economics. There have been so many young people laid off from jobs in the private sector lately that a lot of them joined the military just to have some security. You know, three meals a day (most of the time), a place to sleep rent free, and a halfway decent salary, with a few benefits thrown in. Being career military, I have experienced this myself in 1980 when I desperately needed a job besides working the graveyard shift at a 7/11 store. I was a reservist back then and the U.S. was going through another recession.
Going back on active duty was the only thing I could think of to take care of my family back then.
From there, we started talking about the latest news. Mitch brought up a news story he heard that the U.S. was setting up some B-52 bombers to go after Iran and I told him about a credible story about how Egypt has sent their armored cavalry and 50,000 troops to the Sinai desert next to Israel and Palestine.
Then Mitch brings up how he heard that Russia and China are actively recruiting retired generals and admirals to work for them. I told him that they would have to leave the country and live abroad, and Trump will try to stop them. Big brother is always watching. Especially if you have or had a recent high up security clearance. I told him that if any veterans really wanted to work for these countries now, they would have to sneak out of the country and become ghosts.
They could work for a foreign government, but they better not get caught. With Musk and company working hard to surveille everyone in the country now, if you want to work outside the U.S. these days and you have some special skills, you better stay off the grid. The U.S. government will find you and do all it can to bring you back in chains. A former U.S. marine pilot working in Australia found that out the hard way last year. The U.S. accused him of instructing Chinese pilots and extradited him to stand trial in the U.S. He maintains his innocence, but no one has heard from him since they brought him back to the states so they will bury him in a dark hole somewhere out of sight. Let that be a lesson to any Americans who might want to go to work for the Chinese or Russians.
From there, we went into European politics and all of the recent happenings in Germany and the EU in general. We all pretty much know about this after the last couple of weeks, so I won’t offer you any reruns here.
After that, we talk about economics in the U.S. How all of these recent civil service layoffs and terminations are going to hit the job market statistics very soon and the homeless population in the U.S., already at a very high rate as of last fall, will increase even more as unemployment benefits run out and the private sector isn’t hiring, unless you belong to a very close niche demographic these days. Can anyone say, highly educated WASP?
What do you think is going to happen when all of these unemployed people start getting angry because they no longer have jobs or benefits to feed themselves and keep their homes? The tariffs will have a ripple effect across the economy very soon. it’s already starting to happen, but the mainstream media isn’t talking about that much right now. For them, it’s all about keeping Trump and his rich MAGA people happy.
For those Americans who sport a dark complexion, things might start to get out of hand soon as these people who voted for Trump start looking for someone to blame for them losing their jobs and incomes. They won’t blame Trump at first. They will go after whomever Trump is picking on, on any given day. The LGBTQ people, the immigrants, naturalized citizens, native born citizens with darker skin and an accent that is not plain ‘ole American english. And Trump just made this American english the official language for the country this week. So, what if you don’t have a good grasp on this official language?
Will you now become a second- or third-class citizen, no matter where you were born? Will we start seeing people being shot on the streets just for speaking a language that is not considered the official language? Will you become part of the privileged WASP’s who can get away with doing that in the near future?
What about states that try to stand up to Trump? Will he declare a state as insurrectionist, like Lincoln did with the confederate states, and send in federal troops to quell the secessionists?
We come around to the economy and failing infrastructure in the U.S. The loss of so many things and the real possibility of a global recession very soon. Some world-renowned economists are predicting that there will be a global recession by the end of 2025.
All of which factors into our everyday lives very soon. We delve into how all of this is already starting to affect our personal lives, and what the future may hold for all of us who live on pensions, or paycheck to paycheck. As Senator Bernie Sanders keeps saying, over sixty percent of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck. What will they do when the money runs out?
Will some of the states stand up to Trump’s federal government and defy him? Will he pull an Abraham Lincoln and send troops to bring the states back in line? Is history going to repeat itself with another American civil war over state’s rights versus Trump’s feudalistic mandates?
How many Americans are talking about this with their friends and neighbors right now? Activism starts in local communities first, usually, then grows accordingly. When enough people get cold and hungry in the U.S. soon, we might just see how that works itself out. Donald Trump is nowhere the man FDR was during the great depression. He will cut and run if threatened and he doesn’t have the backing of an army to take out any protestors. Can you imagine what Trump would do if a large mob of protestors came after him like they went after congress back in Jan. 2021? I’m sure he would scream like a little toddler and shit in his Depends diapers.
But I doubt we’ll see that. Americans are too slow in waking up to the threat he poses to the democracy of the United States. By the time they do wake up, it will probably be all said and done. We’ll be back to a feudalistic country, with the oligarchs in charge and a large percentage of the population living in abject poverty.
I invite readers to listen to our conversation as I didn’t edit anything. We talk like a couple of old friends getting together for a long coffee at a local diner or over the back fence like neighbors do. I’m sure a lot of you are doing the same with your friends and relations these days.
I hope we have given those who are paying attention, something to think about with everything that is going on every day. No one can keep up with it all anymore as there is just too much coming at us from all directions. By the hour at times.
Thank you for joining me here. I hope I have provided something of value. We will need everything we can get in the days and weeks ahead.
Please like, subscribe, reply and share the videos or audio podcasts, however you watch or listen. The goal here is to resist the people who want to take our freedoms away from us. I appreciate everyone around the world, no matter who or where you are. Together, using independent media like this, we can resist the authoritarian oligarchs in the west.
As I say goodbye this week, I wish to leave you with this Irish blessing as we try to survive another week of mayhem. "May we finally find the peace and contentment we seek, despite the whirlwinds of chaos brewing all around us." Slán go fóill.
Sowing the Seeds of Superiority
Eugenics and the American Obsession with Purity
Forced Sterilization Isn’t a Relic of the Past
In a majority of states, eugenics-era laws still let doctors sterilize disabled patients against their will.
Julia Métraux for
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