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The Village Oak Tree Newsletter

Interview with Sean Carlton, Podcaster, Online Publisher and Founder of Dark Age Media

Céad Fáilte

A thousand Welcomes to The Village Oak Tree for May 22nd, 2024

I have another interview with a young man from the mid west. I met up with him through a podcast host/guest application that I subscribe to, for now. Given the choices they have been sending my way, I may not be a subscriber for much longer.

This young man surprised me a little, as he is very astute and we got along famously. I wanted to get his perspective on the world from his age group as he is about the same age as my own sons. We ended up talking about the things I have seen in my life to date that set me on this journey of fighting against unfettered capitalism and the corruption of the U.S. political system.

Watch this weeks podcast at the top of this page. It is a couple of minutes over an hour but it goes by fast. I tell a couple of stories from my military past and he gives us his viewpoints on the current state of things as he sees them.

In other news from the U.S.

Just to provide an example of how our elected officials behave like spoiled children, Marjorie Taylor Greene is now in a very public cat fight with Representative Crockett over personal looks, first on the house floor and now mainstream news. I expect things like this from Hollywood movie stars, not elected officials. Where is the ethics committee in all of this? Probably in hiding as they are afraid of MTG.

But they are not the only ones who do stupid stunts that make it to the press. We know who they are, yet they keep getting reelected. This is how badly the United States government has fallen now. The U.S. government is becoming a mockery, both within the country and without.

This doesn’t just apply to the republicans. The democrats are equally as stupid at times. In their case lately, getting arrested for taking bribes, then blaming the wife. “I did it for her!” It’s always about the money though. Whenever one of these stupid humans opens their mouth in public, they are getting paid by someone, somewhere.

All of this makes me angry. So angry that I created a short video for my YouTube channel, with postings to Instagram and my new Facebook page. As I mentioned before, my old Facebook page got suspended so I had to create a new one last weekend. I now have a quasi-commercial page,, where I post these podcast videos to on Facebook so I don’t get them tangled up with my semi-private page for family and close friends.

Here is my short fifteen minute livestream video from yesterday entitled “I am Angry.”

I am Angry

There is so much wrong with the government of the United States now. From genocide Joe and the congress threatening the ICC (International Criminal Court) with sanctions against the prosecutors and judges, to continued crackdowns on peaceful protestors because the morbidly wealthy alumni donors object to the optics of said demonstrators and so much else.

More and more people are getting fed up with the government going against the majority will of the people to support Israel in an obvious genocide and ethnic cleansing. As I have said in previous podcasts, the U.S., the U.K. and Germany (and maybe a couple others) may also end up with arrest warrants from the ICC before it’s all over, for knowingly being complicit and supplying the war materials used against the Palestinian civilians.

It is also now obvious that this is another case of ‘we and our protected allies can do as we please but you can’t because we are the greatest country on the planet.’

The U.S. and Israel are thumbing their noses at the ICC because they did not sign the Rome Accords. Neither did Russia but that didn’t stop the U.S. from jumping up and down with glee in March of 2023, when the ICC issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin.

I for one, am glad to finally see other countries stand up to the American bullies. It’s about time. Now the rest of the world waits with hesitant breath to see what the U.S. government will do next, beyond posturing and beating their chests in the news media.

What if the government imposed travel restrictions on the staff at the ICC, as they are thinking about doing? Who wants to visit the U.S. now anyway? A lot of the upper fifty percenters are relocating to other countries now. If I were some reasonably wealthy attorney or judge working in the Hague and living near by, why would I want to visit the U.S. for a vacation when there are so many other, safer, nicer places elsewhere in the world.

As far as business trips are concerned, laptops with VPN’s are all the rage these days. None of them likely need to come to the U.S. for anything so a travel ban is just posturing. If the U.S. decides to get serious and freeze any money that one of these legal people may have squirreled away in an American bank, then things may get serious in Europe. A lawsuit from a European court? What would that do to the already slightly tense relations between the U.S. and EU?

Not to mention that China, Russia and India are selling off U.S. dollars and treasury bills right now like a store closing fire sale. Other countries are smelling blood in the water and are starting to circle around to sniff things out. China just sold off over fifty three billion American dollars worth of treasury bills to whom the journalist didn’t say but the rumor is Japan, and some others still loyal to the U.S. Not that Japan has a lot of choice in any of that.

Russia has found a way around the sanctions and their GDP is now greater than it was before the sanctions. The Iranians are also benefitting from their new trade partnership with Russia. India is making billions trading with Russia. China is setting up new deals with Russia and eastern Europe.

The G7 bloc is starting to flounder a little now. If the U.S. dollar falls hard due to it no longer being the world’s reserve trade currency, the U.S. will have a depression to rival the crash of the 1930’s or worse. The rest of the western countries will go down with them. And that scares the crap out of western Europe right now.

As I say in my little tirade above, as an American senior citizen who lives on government pensions, I wonder what will happen to the millions of American citizens who depend on those pensions to put food on their tables and keep a roof over their heads? Military veterans who devoted their lives to fighting America’s wars. Wounded warriors who need that VA disability money to survive on. All of the civilian retirees who need social security to augment their retirement portfolios, if they have any. And that doesn’t include the handicapped who need the disability money to help them get through life.

That’s a lot of very angry citizens.

Most of whom don’t know what’s coming for them over the horizon yet as all of these heavy economic machinations are taking place in other countries so far. Then there is the escalating trade war with China. This will start to effect the average American consumer very soon. Within the next couple of years as these new tariffs take ahold.

Does anyone still want to vote for genocide Joe or crazy Donald now? Not I. Jill Stein and her Green party are starting to look a lot better every day. I am doing all I can to put away as much extra money as I can now so that when the crash comes (and it will come unless some miracle happens soon), I can last a little while before I have to abandon ship and hit the road, like so many millions of other Americans will be doing also. Or dying as the scavengers move in to take what they can from the defenseless.

Meanwhile, I will continue to scour the independent and foreign news feeds to try and stay ahead of things as best as I can and shout my findings to the world with this podcast. It makes me feel a little better and maybe I can help someone else as well.

That’s all I have for everyone this week. I hope I haven’t scared anyone too badly. I am not the only doomsayer out there as Ms. Jessica Wildfire has recently returned to the world’s stage with a vengeance now that she is no longer teaching. Then there is my favorite Medium doomer, Michael Campi.

Thank you for allowing me into your reading rooms for a bit this week. I know I unloaded a bunch on everyone but it will help me sleep better at night knowing that I am shouting all of this as loudly as I can to wake people up to what the politicians and morbidly wealthy are doing to us average joe’s. Hug your children and significant others after reading this and gear up. The western world is in for a bumpy ride into the near future. Sláinte

T. Ó Domhnaill — Gaelic Seanchaí

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Crann na beatha-The Tree of Life
The Village Oak Tree
Typically a 45 minute to one hour podcast of non-mainstream news from around the world and an Op Ed on social injustices.