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The Village Oak Tree Newsletter

Just Two Guys Hanging Out Discussing What Matters Most Today

Céad Fáilte

A thousand Welcomes to The Village Oak Tree for June 5th, 2024

I am back again with another episode and I wish to thank everyone who is reading this for joining me once again.

I have our Medium friend Mitch today and we talk about things that are on everybody’s minds right now.

From broken air conditioners to politics. We spend an hour in a discussion that is more like two friends hanging out, much like any other front yard talk between neighbors and friends.

Mitch expressed how much he enjoyed our talk in this first get together and we are planning on doing this again soon. He is an immigrant, and I am a U.S. born citizen of Irish descent and our life experiences are different. But I am more Irish than American in thought and deeds.

I have been supporting Irish national politics for decades. I am also a career U.S. military veteran who saw the worst of things overseas perpetrated by U.S. soldiers and policy makers. Mitch is an immigrant that was denied work in his trained profession in the U.S. all because of money.

I will have more controversial guests in the future who are not part of the mainstream podcast guesting circuit. My goal is to bring people on here whom the audience has not heard of much, if at all, to talk about current affairs, everyday affairs and veteran’s affairs. Click the play button above and let me know what you think.

In other news, I am waiting for Adebayo Adeniran from England to get his affairs in order as he has also expressed excitement over the invitation to be a guest on this podcast. He is a noted political activist and we have a lot to discuss once we finally get together someday soon. I hope anyway.

I am also trying hard to boost my YouTube presence for this show to offer solidarity for all of the other more famous podcasters out there such as Judge Napolitino, with his Judging Freedom show, Owen Jones from England, Dialogue Works from Brazil, TRT World from Turkey, Al Jazeera, Lena Petrova and Steven Van Metre for financial news and Thom Hartmann for liberal news. This is not all of the list of podcasts I watch but you get the idea.

One of the breaking stories from yesterday was about a famous guest who makes the rounds of all of these political podcasts, Scott Ritter, who was in line to board a plane in New York to fly to an economic conference in St. Petersburg, Russia when three customs and border patrol agents pulled him out of the boarding line and confiscated his passport, effectively putting him on a no fly list for leaving the country.

They had no warrant, no written orders, or would tell Mr. Ritter who ordered the interdiction. The officers wouldn’t tell him anything about who or why this happened. As a lot of people who were asked about this later in the day said, this is a clear violation of Mr. Ritter’s first amendment rights.

For those who don’t know who Scott Ritter is, he is a former marine intelligence officer, former chief inspector of the WMD inspection group sent to Iraq in 2002-early 2003, to find the weapons of mass destruction that Saddam Hussein was purported to have. When they didn’t find any and filed their report, they were shut down and he became a whistleblower. He has been very public about calling out the U.S. government ever since. Something American citizens are supposed to have the right to do in accordance with our first amendment rights. Mr. Ritter has no police record, no IRS liens, and no other reasons to be arrested or have a warrant issued.

This is what the current U.S. government administration is doing to people who speak out against the Ukrainians, the war and U.S. policies. Much like the people who have been sanctioned for speaking up on behalf of the Palestinians and criticizing Israel.

How is this not a soft fascist government when geared up CBP officers can pull someone out of a boarding line, confiscate their travel documents with no warrant or real authority other than a verbal phone call and citizens have to sue to get them back?

The United States has turned into the very thing we the people have been taught since the first grade to be afraid of. How the United States was not like those other countries, such as Russia and China.

I have talked a lot about this over the last few months about how the U.S. government has stripped away other first amendment rights, such as freedom of the press, freedom of speech and so on. This is another clear example of that. Another incident that will never make it to mainstream news.

There is so much going on all at once right now, it scares me a little and I am a seasoned military veteran. The biggest thing that is scaring me, is this loss of constitutional rights and how the U.S. government is hiding and lying about what they are really doing in the name of staying in power.

This new policy of allowing the Ukrainians to fire artillery into Russia to hit Russian logistics and military targets behind Russian lines is a red line that Russia is telling the world that they will defend themselves in retaliation. Imagine Russia hitting NATO targets in Poland, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania? Killing EU and American troops manning these data centers and logistic units.

To quote a now famous line, ‘A country has the right to defend itself’. Do you think launching missiles a couple hundred miles into Russian sovereign territory counts as an attack? As one podcast guest stated this morning, that would be like a foreign country launching military strikes from central Mexico into Phoenix, AZ, or San Antonio, TX or other large U.S. cities near the southern border.

Russia will defend itself and it will be a lot worse than anything that has been seen in Ukraine to date. The PRC military is the only Army in the world right now close to being the size of the whole of Russia’s forces.

The U.S. and the EU do not have the capability to go toe to toe with Russia, despite what the propaganda machine in the U.S. tells everyone. I know this from my own experiences and my information is twenty years old. New information from these famous podcast guests says that it is even worse now than when I was on active duty.

As American citizens living under a government that is supposed to be of the people, for the people, by the people, we need to take back the United States from these duly elected representatives who want to destroy humanity for their own personal gain.

As Scott Ritter said yesterday on an episode of Judging Freedom, if the U.S. and Russia were to trade nukes across the oceans, the U.S. strategy is to salvage about 20 to 30 percent of the American population so that they will take over what’s left of the world once Russia and China are destroyed.

Do you want to lay odds on whether you live in an area of the North American continent that will be spared from total annihilation from nuclear bombs and the radiation fallout afterwards? I don’t.

It is time to fire all of these war mongers who are okay with turning the planet into a nuclear wasteland with the hopes that 20 percent of Americans will survive in order to take over control of what’s left.

Both the democrats, and especially the current republicans, need to be replaced with a more sensible group of leaders and this can be done in November by electing a third party candidate for the first time in American history. Think about that.

Why do we the people have to vote for people we don’t like? Why are we being forced to vote like this? Money and power, that’s why. It’s time for a change. It is time to look at alternatives. Cornell West or Jill Stein. Both of them are standing up for a change in how the U.S. government acts towards its people and other countries. No more wars over profits and as Mr. West said in an interview from last summer, reduce the military budget and reallocate that money to domestic policies that help the people at home.

If you value the freedoms that you have left, or even would like to regain what has been lost, think about what is happening around the world and what that has to do with American politics. Americans have until November 5th to decide what kind of government they want from 2025 and beyond. It’s not too late to sit down and evaluate what you want for yourself and your family between now and November.

Thank you for joining me here today. I hope you enjoyed it and that you will return again next week for another episode of The Village Oak Tree.

As a Seanchaí, I hope you will continue to let me come to your village to bring you some news from the world outside that might make you think a wee bit.

Please share this podcast with your friends and relations. The more you share, the more we can convince enough people to make the world a better place to live in.

As I say good bye this week, I wish to leave you with this Irish blessing as you go about your day. “May your hand always be stretched out in friendship and never in want” Slán go fóill.

T. Ó Domhnaill — Gaelic Seanchaí

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Crann na beatha-The Tree of Life
The Village Oak Tree
Typically a 45 minute to one hour podcast of non-mainstream news from around the world and an Op Ed on social injustices.