Crann na beatha-The Tree of Life
Crann na beatha Stories and Poetry
Crann na beatha Stories and Poetry Newsletter

Crann na beatha Stories and Poetry Newsletter

Three Stories and Two Poems

Cead Fáilte

A thousand welcomes to Crann na beatha Short Stories and Poetry for May 24th, 2024

I am your village scéalaí, back with more stories and poems from online writers. I say that as I am starting to read Substack writers now and again so medium writers are no longer the only writers I read for the show now.

I have three stories and two poems this week. The first is chapter seventeen of the ongoing story From Beyond the Water Wall, two science fiction short stories, and two poems about life.

So gather round once more and let me read them to you under the shade of the crann na beatha, the tree of life.

Click the play button above to listen to the selections I have this week.

Memorial Day weekend is upon us here in the United States and most media outlets are taking the weekend off. Posting reruns and alternatives while they head for the beach and backyard BBQ’s.

I am not one of those. Although I will honor those I served with who didn’t come home to their families on Monday next, I rarely take the whole weekend off. This year is especially poignant because of what is going on overseas right now. My prayers are with the refugees and widows of all the soldiers in Europe, both Ukrainian and Russian, and for the dead and suffering of Gaza, both the Palestinians and the Israeli hostages.

I think about all of the students around the world trying to tell their elders to stop the madness. Some are on hunger strikes, some have been brutally hurt by militarized police. All of this I will be thinking about this Memorial Day weekend as I remember all of the wars I participated in at the behest of the United States empire. Was all the pain and suffering I endured, the suffering and death of fellow soldiers all just for the game of empires?

It certainly seems that way now that technology is uncovering a lot of truths. It seems that these social media apps are good for something after all besides teenagers and influencers posting stupid stuff. I wouldn’t have admitted that to anyone nine months ago.

The stories and poems I read every week are meant for entertainment purposes. I like showcasing the writers here to audiences around the world. I am now wondering if there is a way for me to translate this podcast into Farsi, Arabic, Ukrainian or Russian to offer these stories to the people the war zones to take their minds off their misery for a few minutes each week. I will be looking into that in the coming days ahead.

While I am figuring out the logistics of that, here are the stories and poems I selected for this weeks show.

From Beyond the Water Wall

Chapter 17/26 — In the Mansion

Don Woodby

Sable, overlined with amber

Visiting Crete in the dead of Winter may birth a friendship.

David Pahor

Spacefill Fire

A field trip to the waste-disposal planetoid gets cut short

L. R. Conti

The Language of Life

A poem

Sally Prag


This too shall pass

Susan Brearley

That is all I have for everyone this week. I hope everyone can take a few moments this weekend to honor our fallen warriors in between slinging burgers, hot dogs and steaks (for those who can afford them).

Please remember to show your appreciation for the writers here and everywhere as some of them need all of the help they can get in these trying times. Others more fortunate in life, also deserve your praise, even if it’s just an online pat on the shoulder and a handshake for a job well done.

I will be back next week with more stories and poems. SláinteGo raibh maith agat. Thank you for listening to the show today. I hope you enjoyed the variety of stories and poems again this week. Maybe one of them might touch your heart a little.

Disclosure for everyone; In order to read the complete stories and poems, you will need to sign up for a subscription in Medium. If I see a link by the author on one of the stories to allow everyone to read it, I will let you know in the newsletters.

Please return again next week for another episode of Crann na Beatha Stories and Poetry.

As a Seanchaí, I want to continue to delight you with a story or a poem that may bring you a smile or make you think a little after we part for the day.

 As I say good bye this week, I wish to leave you with this Irish blessing as you go about your day. "Long-life and fair health to you - Saol fada agus breac-sláinte chugat." "Slán go fóill - goodbye for now".

T. Ó Domhnaill - Gaelic Seanchaí

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Crann na beatha-The Tree of Life
Crann na beatha Stories and Poetry
A weekly podcast where I read stories I gather from writers around the world. Stories about scary things, daring do and ancient heroes. I throw in a little gael and Irish music to make it feel more like a Irish seanchai telling stories under the digital village oak tree. RSSVERIFY