Crann na beatha-The Tree of Life
Crann na beatha Stories and Poetry
Crann na beatha Stories and Poetry Newsletter

Crann na beatha Stories and Poetry Newsletter

Three Stories and a Poem

Cead Fáilte

A thousand welcomes to Crann na beatha Short Stories and Poetry for May 17th

As a village scéalaí, I have returned again with another selection of short fictional stories and a poem for everyone.

The first is chapter sixteen of the ongoing story From Beyond the Water Wall, the second part of that wolf puppy and his savior story I read last week, an LGBTQ science fiction story and a poem from an Asian writer about vanities and going astray.

Despite IT Technical issues once again with my audio editing software, I managed to over come adversity today and still bring out a decent show. I purchased a license a couple of years ago for an editing suite that would allow me to easily record audio and video files and edit them as needed.

When the company leaves it alone, it works fine. It’s whenever they decide to send me a patch update, that jacks things up and I end up with a jammed up computer and much hair pulling (Arrrrrgghhghh!), not that I have that much to pull anymore. Anyone who has ever spent any amount of time dealing with IT issues, can probably relate.

My software has now been updated once again today so I should be fine for next week and beyond. Fingers crossed until the next patch comes through again.

Click play to listen to the show. As I remind readers here nearly every week, Substack is not the only platform to listen to this show. I am on YouTube, you can listen to it on my website at the address in the image, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio, WAA Radio on Monday nights at 11 pm, Pandora, Deezer, TuneIn, and many others, for those who like to listen on their mobile devices.

In other news, Facebook suspended my long standing account because of a conflict over an Instagram account that I didn’t have at the time. Try as I might, they shut it off and it doesn’t look like I will get it back.

I guess I know what I will be doing this weekend. Creating a new Facebook account to keep up with my family and close friends. That and I need access to stay in contact with my hosts at MBR (Military Broadcast Radio). All I can think of is that someone hacked my account with a fake Instagram account and down it went. The internet is just so much fun these days.

The good news is that my new Instagram account works. I uploaded an introductory video and it worked just fine. That could get interesting. In case anyone is interested, my Instagram moniker is todomhnaill.

I continue to solicit stories and poems from anyone who is interested in having me read them on this podcast. I am working on acquiring another story from Pernoste and Dahl. They recently published a bookend story for the first one I read, about Alice in the hundred Aker woodlands. They have gotten together with me to create another audio file like the last one for me to air on the show sometime in the near future. I can hardly wait. They do a much better job with their stories than I am able.

I have also started offering all of my newsletters to the Open Microphone publication run by Mitch and company. I am hoping I can help juice up the readership and publication followers for him. I am not much of a writer when it comes to professional journalism or blogging. I try but there are so many better writers out there that put me to shame.

But, I offer my meager efforts nonetheless. I like to feel like I am contributing to something, even if it’s an unpolished version. Let me give you the polished stories I selected to read today for you to read while listening to the podcast.

From Beyond the Water Wall

Chapter 16/26 — An Unexpected Visitor

Don Woodby

A True Friend

The wolf remembered the one who saved its life

Mariana Busarova

The Cornfield: A Gay Sci-Fi Short

Someone is about to change…

Evan Purcell


A poem about going astray

HC Leung

I don’t have anymore for you this week. Remember, if you are able to read these stories and poetry, please show your appreciation for these much more professional story tellers by clapping, highlighting and replying with your thanks for these wonderful contributions to the literary world. Sláinte

Go raibh maith agat. Thank you for listening to the show today. I hope you enjoyed the variety of stories and poems again this week. Maybe one of them might touch your heart a little.

Disclosure for everyone; In order to read the complete stories and poems, you will need to sign up for a subscription in Medium. If I see a link by the author on one of the stories to allow everyone to read it, I will let you know in the newsletters.

Please return again next week for another episode of Crann na Beatha Stories and Poetry.

As a Seanchaí, I want to continue to delight you with a story or a poem that may bring you a smile or make you think a little after we part for the day.

 As I say good bye this week, I wish to leave you with this Irish blessing as you go about your day. "Long-life and fair health to you - Saol fada agus breac-sláinte chugat." "Slán go fóill - goodbye for now".

T. Ó Domhnaill - Gaelic Seanchaí

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Crann na beatha-The Tree of Life
Crann na beatha Stories and Poetry
A weekly podcast where I read stories I gather from writers around the world. Stories about scary things, daring do and ancient heroes. I throw in a little gael and Irish music to make it feel more like a Irish seanchai telling stories under the digital village oak tree. RSSVERIFY