Crann na beatha-The Tree of Life
Crann na beatha Stories and Poetry
Crann na beatha Stories and Poetry Newsletter

Crann na beatha Stories and Poetry Newsletter

Four Stories, Three of them Science Fiction

Cead Fáilte

A thousand welcomes to Crann na beatha Short Stories and Poetry for May 31st, 2024

I am Terrance Ó Domhnaill, your village scéalaí, with more stories and poems from online writers.

I have four short stories this week, no poems, sorry. The first is chapter eighteen of the ongoing story From Beyond the Water Wall, and three other stories, one of which is from a Substack writer. All but one are science fiction and the first two are rated PG-13, so parents, be mindful if you let your children listen to this podcast.

So gather round once more and let me read them to you under the shade of the crann na beatha, the tree of life.

Click the play button above to listen to this week’s show.

I do my best to keep this show to around the thirty minute length, give or take, with a commercial at the halfway point for people who want to get up and stretch or something. It’s also a good stopping point if parents are letting this podcast help their children get to sleep at night.

Although this weeks show is probably not a good show for the littlest ones as there is a bit more violence in this chapter of Beyond the Water Wall and some minor sexual innuendo's in the second story. Nothing overly graphic in either but still, I am putting out the caution just in case. Ultimately, it’s up to the parents.

There is a lot more graphic violence going on in the news right now than is in these stories. My wife is even talking about Ukraine and Gaza, and that is a first so I know things are getting bad if she is talking about it.

My goal is to offer these stories to the world to take people minds off the threat of world war three for a wee bit every week. Gods knows I am such a news hound. I watch the independent news feeds on YouTube and read the news on my mobile device a couple times a day now and I am getting very concerned, to put it mildly.

I am branching out starting this week with a story from a Substack writer, Joseph Wiess. He writes to the Substack page, Crann na beatha. His page is why I added a little extra to my Substack page to keep us separate. For a while, we had the same site name. Now, mine has been retitled Crann na beatha — The Tree of Life.

He writes a lot of fantasy stories and the occasional science fiction shorts like the one I read for everyone today. Mostly, he writes serialized stories about druids, elves and Celtic Gods. They are very good and I may start including more Substack writers in the future as I find them. Joseph Wiess writes novels with his characters so if I find one of his books down the road, I will let everyone know the title(s). Expect more of his works here in the future.

He has recommended another Substack writer today that I will be looking into and I may find others along the way. It looks like Medium writers will have a little friendly competition in the future.

I don’t have much else going on right now that is noteworthy, other than what I have mentioned already. I don’t want to delve much into any politics or world events in this newsletter as this is supposed to take our minds off of those things for a bit. I hope this podcast is able to do so for people who listen to it.

Thank you for being fans. Here are this week’s stories to read while listening to me read them in the podcast. Sláinte

From Beyond the Water Wall

Chapter 18/26 — Battle in the Fire

Don Woodby

Crann na beatha
Into the Fire
The Bridge of the CNS Donovan was shrouded in shadows that were broken only by the flickering of the monitors at the watch stations. The Captain looked up from his data device as the ship’s computer sounded the shift change. He covertly watched as the first shift came in and relieved the dog-watch. With a hidden smile, he pretended to watch the tactical plot on the repeater screen next to his chair. When he thought he had given them enough time to settle in and look over the previous shift's reports, he turned his chair to the left and caught the attention of the Operations Officer…
Read more

And It Was All Because of a Missing Receipt

Sometimes, a dream come true is not what it seems.

Sara Fellers

Memories of a Rose Bush

David Pahor

Go raibh maith agat. Thank you for listening to the show today. I hope you enjoyed the variety of stories and poems again this week. Maybe one of them might touch your heart a little.

Disclosure for everyone; In order to read the complete stories and poems, you will need to sign up for a subscription in Medium. As I find more Substack writers to read to you, I hope everyone will enjoy their work as much as I do and subscribe to read all of their stories, not just the ones I select here.

Please return again next week for another episode of Crann na Beatha Stories and Poetry as I continue to bring everyone more stories and poems from great writers around the world.

As a Seanchaí, I want to continue to delight you with a story or a poem that may bring you a smile or make you think a little after we part for the day.

 As I say good bye this week, I wish to leave you with this Irish blessing as you go about your day. "Long-life and fair health to you - Saol fada agus breac-sláinte chugat." "Slán go fóill - goodbye for now".

T. Ó Domhnaill - Gaelic Seanchaí

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Crann na beatha-The Tree of Life
Crann na beatha Stories and Poetry
A weekly podcast where I read stories I gather from writers around the world. Stories about scary things, daring do and ancient heroes. I throw in a little gael and Irish music to make it feel more like a Irish seanchai telling stories under the digital village oak tree. RSSVERIFY