WOW! S0 much information, and SO scary! I am a senior citizen living alone and with literally no one to help with anyone, so the prospects are frightening, but I am a TOUGH little 75 year old lady, (who routinely does things that her middle aged, and twice her size son says that he cannot do because they are too heavy ) so I will survive.

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You are right. So much going on all at once. Which is why I do this once a week to let people like you know who and what's coming for us. I just learned a couple of minutes ago that my Army pension and VA disability money are not on the chopping block so that's good news. As for social security and medicare, that remains to be seen. I have heard rumors that they want to make it more 'efficient', whatever that means. I can survive without social security, but I would have to make some budget cuts if that happens. I can only imagine what that would be like for those who are dependent on that.

We live in strange times now where we don't know from one day to the next what is going to change. I will do my best to help us keep up with it all. At least most of it anyway.

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