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The Village Oak Tree Sunday Edition

Another digital back yard discussion about everything in the news that affects us all in some way, whether we know it or not.

Cead Fáilte

A Thousand welcomes to everyone this Sunday

I will make this a short article today as most people have better things to do on a Sunday afternoon rather than read my blathering. Here is a synopsis of today’s video where we talk about all of the things in the news, both mainstream and off beat. Off beat or not, they still effect us in some fashion or another.

This Sunday, my friend Mitch and I are back to talk about the things in the news within the last week. Everything from politics to the environment and everything in between.

Click play above to watch the video. Warning, the video is for adults 18 and over due to adult language at the end of the show.

Our first subject is Mitch’s revelation about how banks are issuing old money as if it were new bills. Is there something going on with the banks and the Federal Reserve we don’t know about?

The biggest topic of the week is of course, the passing of the baton to Kamala Harris a week ago and what has been going on since.

We also delve into the war in Gaza and Ukraine, what we think V.P. Harris’s stand on that might be, given her past and latest speech after meeting the Israeli P.M. Truthfully, we are unsure and want to see more before we make up our minds. What do you think?

I brought up an article I found about recycling plastic, and we talk about how recycling or not, is being handled in our communities. How the world can’t live without plastic, but we can’t live with it either, as far as waste is concerned.

We talk a little bit about the pro-Palestine protests and how they are planning to return in full form come September after the summer break.

We discuss the pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq this fall and how that may affect foreign policy.

Trump’s latest speech to a Christian Nationalist convention telling them that if he is elected, they don’t have to worry about voting again in four years. We talk about how ominous that sounds.

Come join us again to find out if any of these news stories have an effect on your thinking.

At the end of the program, I read you another chapter from Michael Campi’s serialized story, The Priest (formerly known as Bob) to continue to highlight what the U.S may look alike after the crash.

One again, I offer up the news stories I found that made me want to talk about them with Mitch and to everyone else who is worried about the state of politics in the U.S., the environment, the wars in Gaza and Ukraine and things in general.

Iraq eyes drawdown of US-led forces starting September, sources say

By Timour Azhari and Ahmed Rasheed from

Politics as Usual Will Return Trump to the White House

Let’s face this head on


Are you a ‘Brat’?

Kamala Harris has captured the hearts of young voters


Seven major US labor unions call on Biden to ‘shut off military aid to Israel’

Letter to US president says: ‘our unions are horrified that our tax dollars are financing this ongoing tragedy’

From The

The plastic industry’s $30 million lie
If you’ve tuned into any major TV network in the last few months, you may have seen an ad promising a brand new way to end plastic pollution: advanced recycling…
Read more
Ken Klippenstein
Biden Declares We're "Not At War Anywhere." What?
“I'm the first president this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world,” President Biden said in his Oval Office address on Wednesday…
Read more

Kamala Harris says ‘I will not be silent’ on suffering in Gaza after Netanyahu talks

Democratic presidential contender strikes tough tone in public remarks following meeting with Israeli prime minister on US visit

From The Guardian

Trump tells supporters they won’t have to vote in the future: ‘It’ll be fixed!’

Former president implores Christian supports to vote ‘just this time’, then says he’s not Christian

From The Guardian

The pro-Palestinian student movement is alive and well

It has spread out across many fronts over the summer break but is getting ready to come back on campus for the new school year.

Ahmad Ibsais for Al Jazeera

The Priest

Formerly known as Bob. (part 6)

Michael Campi

I thank everyone for supporting my efforts to bring awareness to all of this as it is happening around us. Sometimes, so fast it makes our heads spin.

Be assured, I will continue to broadcast these weekly videos, whether it is just me letting off steam over the absurdities in the news or Mitch and I getting together like neighbors over a beer to talk about what, we are sure, all of you are talking about with your neighbors and family members.

We now live in a chaotic world were each week, something new hits the wires and I try to sort it all out as I can using independent news sources from outside of the U.S. or at home here but off the beaten path. Mitch is a great help and between the two of us, we manage to dig up quite a lot of stories most people won’t ever think to listen to.

Then there is Michael Campi’s very realistic story of what the United States will probably look like if the country collapses, using a first person viewpoint from his main character. It is a graphic and in your face look at survival at it’s basest level when there is nothing left but chaos. Something I am a little familiar with.

Please like, subscribe and reply on the YouTube videos or the audio podcasts, where available. This helps with spreading the word about what I am trying to do, like so many others, which is to shout about all of the bad things our governments are doing to us all over the world. If enough of us decide that we don’t want to take it anymore, we can force the governments to do right by us as we elected them to do.

As I say good bye this week, I wish to leave you with this Irish blessing as you go about your day. “May your hand always be stretched out in friendship and never in want” Slán go fóill.

T. Ó Domhnaill — Gaelic Seanchaí

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Crann na beatha-The Tree of Life
The Village Oak Tree
A commentary and discussion with the occasional guests about current news from around the world, veterans affairs and other topics. Some controversial.