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The Village Oak Tree Special Edition Sept. 30th, 2024

My Friend Mitch returns once again to talk about all of the things that matter to us personally

Cead Fáilte

Welcome back once again to another special edition.

My very good friend in Florida has returned to the show once more to talk with me about all of things going on around us here at home and the world at large and how they might affect us personally.

Something we probably all think about on some level. Here today, we bring all of that out in the open beyond people’s dinner tables, backyard talks with the neighbors or any other semi-private place that we are comfortable talking about those things in the news that we are concerned with.

We spent two hours here talking about a lot of things but by no means everything. We didn’t stray over into domestic politics too much this time but we started out talking about the recent hurricane, some of the damage it did and the role climate change is playing in all of that.

From hurricanes and climate change, we spent a lot of time talking about the war in the middle east and what the U.S. is doing or not doing to prevent the conflicts to get worse. And the very real prospect that there may be dead U.S. soldiers coming home very soon.

We discussed Israel and its war of extermination against nearly everyone in the region. How the, admitted, Zionist U.S. president continues to support them with bunker busters that are decimating urban neighborhoods, first in Gaza, and now Beirut. Lebanon.

Our discussion took a turn from there to talk about the Catholic Pope in Rome supporting Kamala Harris and I countered with the Pope not ever supporting any political candidate in any country. He supports human rights and the tenants of the Catholic church and that is about it.

We did talk about how the U.S. catholic church is of a different mindset though. There have been a couple of U.S. Catholic clergy members actively criticizing the president and left leaning politicians in the last couple of years. More details in the podcast.

I attributed it all to money, as usual. Mostly the protestant Christian churches. Some are a lot worse than others and we talked a bit about some of these, so called, mega-churches that treat people like suckers. Taking their hard earned money and building huge church buildings, wearing very expensive clothes, riding around on very expensive autos, even private planes. All from the donations of people who lacked the education to know better, or wealthy supporters who are in on the grift.

I offer up a couple of my personal stories from my military excursion to Afghanistan in 2002 dealing with American protestant church people over there pretending to be helping the poor, but in reality, they were trying to covert the Muslims to the American brand of protestant Christianity.

Then we segwayed into the economy. The value of the U.S dollar, the stock market, countries selling off U.S treasury bonds and how all of that is going to affect the U.S. consumers in the long run.

From there, we went into discussing the national debt, and how much affect on the U.S. economy sending all of that ammunition and military equipment overseas is hurting the U.S. consumers, taking money away from repairing and upgrading the domestic infrastructure and so on.

We discuss what will happen to the United States economy if Ukraine falls to the Russians and all of that money and military equipment is. Imagine, billions of dollars lost, much like all of the billions lost in Afghanistan and Iraq when we came home with our tail between our legs. Places we shouldn’t have been in the first place.

Then Mitch brought up the pager and walkie talkie explosions in Lebanon and asked if that would have an effect on electronics around the world and I replied whole heartedly, yes. There has been and will be an massive purge of western made pagers, radios and other similar electronic communications devices world wide, which will have a big negative impact on western markets and their tech industries. As yet to be seen so soon after but it is coming.

Mitch brought up the question, “Are the governments actively monitoring all activity coming from peoples devices,” and I told him about the NSA’s program, as part of the Patriot act, to passively monitor everyone in the United States and those they choose beyond its borders they consider threats or need leverage on. Such as the Angela Merkle scandal in 2013. It took eleven years to break that story, Her phone having been bugged during George W. Bush’s reign of terror in 2002 and continued until caught.

Mitch is worried that his new, ‘free’ tablet given to him for using a points system, may be bugged. Under the Patriot Act, it may very well be. All of the communications devices that are bought and sold in the United States, and maybe some EU countries, are subject to passive or active monitoring right now.

Social media posts are screened by the government now and blocked, restricted or accounts banned, if certain posts do not fit into the government approved narrative and off we went into the world of loss of free speech and lack of freedom of the press.

The rest of the discussion circles back to the wars overseas, domestic issues that affect us personally, like homeowners insurance during climate change, censorship in the media, the media that we both subscribe and write to.

If you have the time, watch or listen to the video and see if your life has some similarities to ours. If nothing else, maybe some of this will open some eyes to things you may not have known about.

Feel free to comment. We are open to discussion but not radicalism.

Thank you for tuning in. I hope to bring you more interesting tidbits about the world we now find ourselves in as we continue trying to survive as best as we can while our governments spend our hard earned money on dark holes of ideology. Sláinte

T. Ó Domhnaill - Gaelic Seanchaí

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Crann na beatha-The Tree of Life
The Village Oak Tree
A commentary and discussion with the occasional guests about current news from around the world, veterans affairs and other topics. Some controversial.