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The Village Oak Tree Newsletter

My New Segment. A Continuing Discussion on the Things that Matter to us This Week

Céad Fáilte

A thousand Welcomes to The Village Oak Tree for June 19th, 2024

I am your host, Terrance Ó Domhnaill, and I offer up a grand thank you to everyone who watches the video’s and reads these newsletters.

This week, I have another discussion amongst friends today, this time with an addition to the commentary team. Not only do I have my friend Mitch back again, (I think this is going to be a very regular thing), I have our new friend, Frances Chiu, a very astute political analyst and author of The Routledge Guidebook to Paine’s Rights of Man.

This video almost didn’t make it as it turned out because Frances had lots of home WIFI issues that caused her to keep disconnecting and returning, along with audio and lag that was problematic but we persevered and, with a little judicious editing on my part, managed to put this together and keep it to just a shade under an hour.

Then I decided today, that this is what this show will be all about. Showing the world that we are humans too. We suffer from all of the same problems everyone else does on a daily basis every week, so why not talk about it.

Last week, it was plumbing and home repair issues for Mitch and myself. This week, it was Frances and her internet issues. We talk about the global issues we are worried about. How many people reading this can relate?

How many people watching the video or reading this are worried about a nuclear war with Russia? How many people are on one side or the other of the Gaza problem? How many people are worried about the state of the economy where they live? The state of the government where they live?

These are the things we will be talking about on future shows. All of the things that all of you are worried about and not saying it out loud. Mitch and I have discussed making this a regular show. Frances is also invited to participate again.

I am seeing some possibilities of other Medium writers joining us in our weekly get togethers down the road. I ask all of you reading this, what do you think?

Would any of you be interested in being a part of The Village Oak Tree to air your frustrations about home repairs and daily struggles, and voice your thoughts on the upcoming British and American national elections? Or maybe the French parliamentary elections?

I will let you decide as I present to you this week’s video of the three of us trying to discuss things in and around a spotty internet connection. Click play above to watch the video.

In other news, the summer weather is definitely here. There is a heat dome over much of the United States occurring right now. I had to work outside for a one-day gig job yesterday and, despite having a military boonie hat on and slathering myself with a high spf suntan lotion, I still got some red skin out of it.

Someone asked me yesterday if I thought the Texas power grid would fail again and I shrugged my shoulders. They have made a lot of inroads into green energy but as far as I know, they still are having issues with aging transfer and distribution infrastructure.

I would not want to be living there now. It’s not just Texas but the whole of the southern part of the continent right now. Yet, they still are in denial about global warming in a lot of places. Especially here in the U.S. Idiots.

The planet is starting to fight back against the humans and this is how she does it. Raise the temperatures, throw a bunch of airborne viruses at us, then watch us deny and die. I still read Ms. Jessica Wildfire’s blog articles on Covid and climate change. Despite all of the adversity this has brought her and her family, she is still persevering. I will be her fan for a long time.

Around the world, people are still waiting with a collectively held breath to see if the western countries will bolster the hapless Ukrainians. Instead of advocating for a negotiated ceasefire, the western European and American governments are trying to push the NATO military envelope even more to try and scare the Russians into surrendering, despite overwhelming public opinion against it. Good luck with that.

Then there is Gaza. The Palestinians are still dying by the hundreds at the hands of Israel and yet, the western countries of the northern hemisphere still want to support the murderous, genocidal Zionist Israelis. Now, Hezbollah is ramping up its attacks on Israel’s norther border and everyone is scared of a regional escalation. But will anyone step in to try and stop it?

No. They continue to wring their western white hands and tell everyone how wrong it all is but do nothing but watch in horror. Will the U.S. continue to supply Israel if they attack Lebanon? That is the existential question on everyone’s mind right now. How far does American, and by proxy, Western Europe’s support go if Israel attacks Lebanon?

There is so much going on everywhere that I am posting more videos to my YouTube channel going forward. They won’t be written about here in Medium.

I invite everyone reading this to visit my channel at Crann na beatha, to watch as I talk about news stories not normally found in mainstream U.S. news. News I find from foreign news outlets, independent news podcasts and other sources that describe the real things going on that the U.S. government doesn’t want their citizens to know about.

I will also be posting them on my Substack page as well here. Crann na beatha — The Tree of Life. And for those who don’t want to dodge around or deal with a paywall, you can find everything in my website at

I post a copy of this newsletter in my blog section and there is a separate web page where everyone can watch or listen to the podcasts all they want at no cost.

My goal is to tell people about what is coming for you, no matter where you live in the world, not try to profit from that. I do accept donations but that is it.

That is all I have for this week’s newsletter. I hope everyone reading this will return again next week to see what else is going on that might effect us regular people. Until then, Sláinte

As I say good bye this week, I wish to leave you with this Irish blessing as you go about your day. “May your hand always be stretched out in friendship and never in want” Slán go fóill.

T. Ó Domhnaill — Gaelic Seanchaí

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Crann na beatha-The Tree of Life
The Village Oak Tree
Typically a 45 minute to one hour podcast of non-mainstream news from around the world and an Op Ed on social injustices.