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The Village Oak Tree

A Roundtable Discussion on Current Events from Last Week

Céad Fáilte

A thousand Welcomes to The Village Oak Tree for July 3rd, 2024

My newsletter this week is all about the current events in the news last week in line with the topics that Mitch, Frances Chiu and I discussed for a bit over two hours. The time seemed to fly by and I didn’t want to cut us off until we had said all we wanted to say about everything.

I lead off with a discussion about what cluster bombs are because of the big story about the beach goers who were killed and wounded in Sevastopol, Crimea the Sunday before. We talked about how dangerous and illegal they are in most countries, except in the U.S. and Russia. No surprise there.

Mitch wanted to talk some on the U.S. Supreme Court decision to do away with the Chevron Deference that effectively guts the federal regulatory agencies now and the repercussions of that down the road for the American people. Things like pollution and child labor came up in our discussions.

Frances wanted to talk about the disastrous presidential debate last week that is on everyone’s mind around the world. What will Biden do? What will the Democratic National Convention do? And the future of the American presidential election in November?

I brought up Julian Assange and how that whole episode in history will have a chilling effect on journalism around the world as non-U.S. based reporters will now be looking over their shoulders a lot more when deciding on whether to submit a breaking story about the United States in the future.

We recorded this discussion Sunday afternoon, June 30th, so there were a lot of unanswered questions regarding the fate of the U.S. and the world despite our knowledge of things. We plan to get together again down the road apiece when we have more information or more very busy news weeks to talk about.

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The biggest news stories were about the escalation of the war in Ukraine, the debate that wasn’t and the economy. I brought up once again that there are more and more independent newscasters reporting about an impending recession soon. They are predicting anywhere from six months to a year before the average American citizen will start to truly see it all hit.

Mitch and I watch a lot of the same YouTube news feeds. He has also taken some intel from his TikTok account and promises to research more about the ramifications of the loss of the Chevron Deference from his sources.

So, as you can see, we want to do this again soon as the news never stops. If we the people living at the ground level of the United States social structure are not made aware of what’s coming, the damage may be a lot worse.

Forewarned is forearmed as they say. That is the purpose of these podcast episodes. To warn everyone we can that the U.S. government is failing all around us everywhere, despite what the mainstream media is telling us.

We now have to worry about escalating wars over stupid stuff, corporations killing thousands because now they can tie up lawsuits in the American courts for years as the judges try to figure out whether they broke the law or not. Meanwhile, it’s business as usual until someone rules one way or another years down the road.

With all of the money these corporations can throw at a judge to influence decisions, it’s fairly obvious how a lot of court decisions will go. We have two Supreme Court Justices as examples of that.

More and more people are coming out on social media and stating the obvious out loud now. The United States is a failing empire. Something I have talked about in several podcast episodes over the last few months on my YouTube channel.

This is far from over. We can see right now on the world’s stage that the U.S. will go down slowly, kicking and screaming like a spoiled child, attempting to take everyone it can with them. Our example is what’s left of the British Empire. That is the fate of the United States.

What the rest of us regular people need to be afraid of is whether the U.S. will take these tantrums to the extreme and start launching nukes at the Russians and Chinese. Because the U.S. politicians, and by proxy, the corporate military industrial complex, can’t face the fact that they are not the baddest bullies on the world’s playground anymore.

It’s time for working class Americans to wake up to what their government is doing and put a stop to it before some idiots in congress, or the white house, decide that the Russians and Chinese have to be stopped at any cost. And I mean any cost, if you know what I mean.

Neither of the two primary political parties seem to get it. Maybe it’s time to entertain a third party alternative? Maybe bring some common sense back to the government? I know the first thing I would do is force two federal Supreme Court justices into early retirement to start with and replace them with moderates who do not entertain thoughts of being above the law.

Then work on cleaning up the congressional districts of all of the MAGA cult worshippers. Send Donald Trump down to Mara Lago with an ankle monitor for the rest of his life and a permanent gag order preventing him from talking in public about politics and any other related topics.

I know I am just whistling in the wind but I know I am not wrong in saying these things out loud. And that is the core of my podcasts. Saying out loud the things everyone is thinking and talking about in private out of fear of the U.S. government.

I am not the only one by any means. But after the things I have seen the U.S. government do overseas and what I watch and read in overseas news media, I feel it is more of a civic duty than just trying to make some noise, to bring all of this to light whenever I can. It is up to the people to bring their government leaders to heel and they can’t do it in a media vacuum.

By adding my voice, along with others like Mitch and Frances Chiu, to the independent media, we can work hard to shout to the world what is going on so changes can be made for the betterment of us all, before we end up in a nuclear Armageddon. Just because a bunch of grownup children remain determined to keep their imaginary position as king of the global hill.

Sláinte. Thank you for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed it and that you will return again next week for another episode of The Village Oak Tree.

Please like, subscribe and reply on the YouTube video or audio version. This helps with spreading the word about what I am trying to do, which is to shout to the world about all of the bad things our governments are doing to us.

As I say good bye this week, I wish to leave you with this Irish blessing as you go about your day. “May your hand always be stretched out in friendship and never in want” Slán go fóill.

T. Ó Domhnaill — Gaelic Seanchaí

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Crann na beatha-The Tree of Life
The Village Oak Tree
Typically a 45 minute to one hour podcast of non-mainstream news from around the world and an Op Ed on social injustices.